camping party crafts kids
I have a 7 year old boy and a 6 year old girl who are whining, spiteful, ugly little snotheads who never do anything their parents tell them to do. I've done everything to get them under control. I've tried everything from taking away privileges, to putting them in the juvenile center, to punishing them within one inch of their worthless lives. Behavior has not changed one bit.
I'm running out of ideas. If I don't find a solution soon then I might need to kick them out of the house.
Well...maybe not everything duh which is why I'm asking. :)
well, first of all you need to show them that you are in contorl..
Second you need to do is take away stuff that the like not necessarily what they play with..
If a friend invites them to a birthday party and they want to go, say no.
At this age they should have chores, like helping with the dishes, sorting the laundry, help folding, putting clothes away, etc.. They might not do it exactly the way you want it, but at least you are showing them respondbility.. Then if I needs to be redone, wait until the are out side, or at school. This way you don't hurt there feeling, and the will feel more confident that they did something....
Get a chore whell this is fun and it stops the aruguing..
If you are in a public place like resturant, and they start acting up, put everyone's meal in a doggy bag and go home. Say to your guest your sorry, but my kids don't know how to behave..
Make sure that your not giving them too much sugars.. Rather say apple, or orange.
Sweet things should be a treat...
If they are acting up, during school time, when they come home, it's homework, dinner, bath, bedtime. Which means no tv, computer, outside, nothing... If they don't eat, oh well still send them to bed. They will learn that tomorrow they better eat or they will be hungry....
Make sure that your "NO" means "NO" !!!
And when they talk to you, listen, and when they yell at you, send them to their rooms, and tell them when they are ready to come out and talk to you with respect then you will listen...
It's your house. Make them know this. Yes they live there and they are your kids, but at the same time, they need to respect what they have...
Keep them busy, go to your local rec center, and register them in a class for the summer. This way they will run their little legs off and it will give you a break...
And for every cus word, make a jar, make them pay 25 cents...
This comes out of their allowence, and luch money that you give them.... Otherwise, they have to brown bag their luch....
And if they don't like what you have, like I said, they will be hungry for dinner.
When they get up in the moring, make your bed, put your laundry in the basket, clean up their room. Then come down for breakfast... etc.... If not they will be hungry for luch.....
Tell them breakfast ends at 8 or 9 am and if they don't make it, it's not on you. Kitchen is closed, to snacks, water, want something to drink etc... Get a child's alarm on the refigator and a lock.....
Make it a boot camp mom's house, soon they will hate it and get the point....
There are many things your can do... Just stick to your guns.
Also set a special time aside during the day (if they been good) and read to them, do an arts and crafts project etc....
At dinner time spend time with them on asking how there day went, and listen to them.... Show interest... Give them praise where praise is due.
And if they been good all week, take them out for luch, dinner, ice cream, etc.... But if they act up once, cancle it, and go to plan "B", you at the same time need to find a babysitter and have some personal time to yourself...... This way you can relax and get the tlc that you need. The rules should apply when your not there and make sure the babysitter is aware of your arragements.... Otherwise, it's not going to happen overnight, but they are still young now, and if you don't go to these extree measures now it might be too late....Good luck....I hope this helps.....
where can i get some good arts n crafts ideas?
Heather L
i work at a camp with an extremely tight budget and i need affordable art for about 20-40 kids, ages 6-12, boys and girls.
Check out that sell all kinds of arts & craft and hobbie kits, accessories (like glue), party/event decorations...alot of which are in bulk...for example, they might have a bracelet kit that will have enough material to make 12... and the prices seem reasonable.
I just got their summer catalog and it says (on page 2) free shipping on all catalog orders over $60 if purchased by July 12th, 2007. You need a key code though...but i'm sure if you call them to place an order and you mention the free shipping They would probably apply it! But you'll have to work quickly!
I don't know if it will help or work but the key code on my cataloge is GS0812732...i won't be ordering anything before the 12th, so i don't need it!!
I hope this helps!
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